Naked Edge Real Estate News

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Naked Edge Real Estate Market Updates, December 2017

-- Turn Over Doubles From a Year Ago –

Over the last 6 months we’ve been speculating that Perth had hit the bottom of its market and we are seeing evidence supporting this in the increased number of buyers through our Home Opens.

Another indicator is property turnover and sales have doubled compared to a year ago, where sales turnover was sitting around 300 sales on average per week, to now, over 600 sales per week. This represents more of the “normal” selling market for the Perth Metro area.

The number of homes on the market is steadily decreasing, even with the traditional influx of new spring listings which generally spike at this time of year.

So go buy with confidence and make the most of the current market place.

For more information and to find out what real estate activity is happening in your area click on the suburbs below...

Bedfordale        Darling Downs / Oakford        Kelmscott       Kelmscott Hills

Mount Nasura        Mount Richon        Seville Grove       Southern River

Canning Vale

Naked Edge Real Estate Market Updates, November 2017

-- Spring Has Sprung! --

Not only for the flora and fauna but for the housing market too. We are seeing good numbers of buyers through home opens again and plenty of offers being presented, which is a positive sign.

According to REIWA, the number of homes on the market continues to fall and the turnover of properties is steadily increasing with an average of around 500 properties selling each week. In perspective, 6 to 8 months ago we were averaging around 300 sales per week in Perth.

In the Western Suburbs, if you are still waiting for the bottom of the market then you have missed it by about 6 months, as properties in that area of Perth are starting to sell within a few days of going on the market. After a very long absence, we are also seeing investors coming back into the market. Not in large numbers yet but the very savvy or long term investors are definitely showing interest in Perth again, often calling and flying in from over east to buy property here.

We have definitely seen the back of the worst of the market now. Though there will still be some areas of Perth that experience more pain, suburbs from Baldivis down to Mandurah for example, as people who speculated on their purchase of house and land packages in these areas are finding their homes are worth less then they paid for them. There are also quite a few mortgagee sales to go through the system as some owners struggle with mortgage repayments.

So don’t wait to buy, do it now! or be prepared to miss out.

For more information and to find out what real estate activity is happening in your area click on the suburbs below...

Bedfordale        Darling Downs / Oakford        Kelmscott       Kelmscott Hills

Mount Nasura        Mount Richon        Seville Grove            

City of Perth to spend $1.5 million on shopping and entertainment, November 2017

A NEW plan to reboot the heart of Perth would see Australia Day celebrations extended to four days, fireworks on New Year’s Eve and bigger, better Christmas events.

The City of Perth will this month also consider a proposal for free parking after 4pm in the week before Christmas in a bid to convince shoppers to return to the city centre.

And a radical proposal for an “iconic landmark” comparable to the Sydney Opera House for Perth’s bicentenary in 2029 will take a major step forward if councillors agree to splash $50,000 on a feasibility study.

The move to revamp WA’s capital comes after the CBD was this year labelled “dead” and as Jemma Green takes on the job as Acting Perth Lord Mayor while Lisa Scaffidi appeals against her 18-month disqualification from office.

The City’s Finance and Administration Committee meets on Tuesday to discuss the $1.5 million plan, which is designed to breathe new life into a CBD where both commercial and retail vacancy rates remain stubbornly high.

Read full article from PerthNow here

Worst likely over for Perth property market, says REIWA, November 2017

REIWA says the worst is likely over for the Perth property market, with stable conditions recorded in the September quarter.

Preliminary data revealed steady or improved levels across most key market indicators.

President Hayden Groves said the conditions mirrored those experienced in the June quarter, which indicated the market might have finally found its floor.

“We’ve observed six months of stable conditions, with both the June and September quarters posting consistent results,” he said.

“Historically, before a market improves there is a sustained period of level stock, sales activity and house prices, which is what we appear to be witnessing at the moment.”

Perth’s preliminary median house price was $499,000 for the September quarter.

Read full article from Community Newsgroup here

Domain State of the Market Report, October 2017

Perth’s property market woes could be coming to an end as rental vacancies drop, experts say.

The Domain Group’s quarterly State of the Market report, released on Thursday, continues to bear bad news for homeowners, with the median house price down 1.3 per cent to $554,095 and the median unit price down 6.7 per cent to $351,875.

The median price for renting a house is down 2.8 per cent for the quarter to $350 a week, while unit rents have held steady at $300.

Domain Group chief economist Andrew Wilson said despite the bleak outlook, the one good sign could be the reduction in rental stock – an early sign that a struggling market was due to make a comeback.

“For the past year now, we have seen the first green shoots for a market revival, and that’s that vacancy rates have fallen quite sharply,” Dr Wilson said.

Vacancy rates are down about 1 per cent from last year – with vacant houses down to 3.2 per cent and units down to 3.8 per cent.

Read full article from Domain Group here

Naked Edge Real Estate Market Updates, September 2017

-- Warning! Don’t Undersell Your Home --

If you’re thinking of selling be careful not to be undersold in the current market conditions.
Saying that, you shouldn’t over-price your property either as all it achieves is scaring off the genuine buyers. This then results in having to adjust your price lower than the market to get buyers interested again.

It has been a tough market place all around, not just in real estate. If we put the state budget to one side, things aren’t as bad as the doomsday sayers would have you believe. We have strong employment again and the banks seem to be more positive with WA buyers on the lending front, with the exception of investment lending where things will remain tight for some time to come on the back of the APRA changes.

With low interest rates and the number of homes for sale in Perth dropping below 8000 (excluding units and land) buyers will soon find themselves no longer in a “buyers market”.

Over the past two months we have seen a dramatic change in the number of buyers coming through home opens. From the follow up we do, they are finding homes and putting in offers.
We have had several properties that have had multiple offers.

For more information and to find out what real estate activity is happening in your area click on the suburbs below...

Bedfordale          Canning Vale          Darling Downs / Oakford       

Kelmscott          Kelmscott Hills         Mount Nasura       

Mount Richon        Seville Grove         Southern River     

CoreLogic Housing Market Update, September 2017

Watch the latest Housing Market Update for Perth, WA, presented by CoreLogic research director Tim Lawless.

"This month we launched the new generation CoreLogic hedonic indices, which provide a further improvement on the market leading hedonic valuation model that CoreLogic has been using to measure housing market conditions since 2006.  

The latest housing market results showed dwelling values held firm nationally, with capital city dwelling values nudging 0.1% higher over the month while regional values slipped 0.2% lower."

National housing market update - Australia

Naked Edge Real Estate Market Updates, August 2017

-- Go Buy NOW --

As stated in the last Market Update Report, the property market is showing signs that we have reached the bottom.  

While the market is still slow, there are signs it has shifted within some suburbs around Perth with the median house price over the past six months increasing slightly.

Across Australia, Perth has been the only capital city that has had three consecutive years of negative growth. However, on the eastern seaboard the market has started to slow and if history shows us anything it is that as the East Coast market starts to cool the West Coast sees the benefit of that.

A strong indicator we are also seeing are long-term investors buying properties in the metropolitan area, something we haven’t seen for about five years.  These buyers are not just speculators but instead are long-term investors that are buying now for the capital growth in the future.

For more information and to find out what real estate activity is happening in your area click on the suburbs below...

Bedfordale          Darling Downs / Oakford       

Kelmscott          Kelmscott Hills         Mount Nasura       

Mount Richon        Seville Grove         Southern River     

June Quarter Market Update

Find out how Perth and regional WA performed in the June quarter, plus view the 2016 Perth Census results and discover more about WA's Mid West region.

Read full report from REIWA here

How Did the National Housing Market Perform Over the Financial Year?

Over the past 20 financial years there have only been two years in which combined capital city dwelling values have fallen.

Over the last financial year, combined capital city dwelling values increased by 9.6% which was actually greater than the 8.3% rise over the 2015-16 financial year.  Combined capital city dwelling values have now increased over five successive financial years however, prior to these increases there were successive financial years in which values fell (-1.4% in 2010-11 and -3.6% in 2011-12).  Across the individual capital cities the growth story over recent financial years has been vastly different.

Read full article from CoreLogic here

NAB Residential Property Survey, Q2 2017

Housing market sentiment (measured by NAB’s Residential Property Index) softened noticeably in Q2. Sentiment fell in all states (led by SA/NT, VIC and NSW), but the gap between the best (VIC & NSW) and worst (WA) narrowed. Confidence also moderated as prospects for capital and rental growth slowed.

Property experts are anticipating slower price growth in all states in the next 1-2 years (except WA), but particularly in VIC and to a lesser extent QLD and NSW.

WA is tipped to re-emerge as the best state for capital growth after QLD in 2 years’ time.

Rents are also set to slow, but will outpace price growth suggesting yields may start widening after a long period of compression, especially in VIC and NSW.

FHBs were more active in both new and established property markets in Q2, but local investors retreated as regulators implemented more measures on banks to rein in investor lending.

Despite China’s crackdown on capital outflows into overseas property and a raft of new restrictions/taxes on foreign ownership introduced in the 2017/18 federal budget, the share of foreign buyers in new property markets increased to 11.6% (10.8% in Q1), driven largely by VIC where they accounted for 1 in 5 (20.8%) new property sales.

NAB Economics has revised down its 2017 housing forecasts based on much softer market sentiment in the NAB Survey and weaker than expected price outcomes in recent months.

Read full report from National Australia Bank here

Naked Edge Real Estate Market Updates, June 2017

-- What The Budget Changes Mean To Buyers And Sellers --

The 2017 State and Federal budgets outlined several property related changes, many of which will come into effect on 1 July and will impact both buyers and sellers.

First Home Buyers will be allowed to salary sacrifice up to $30,000 into their super fund towards a home deposit, capped at $15,000 a year. Couples will be able to sacrifice up to $60,000.

Given the median house price in Perth is currently just under $500,000 this scheme will be of most benefit for buyers in WA where the median house price is less than half that of Sydney.  This makes for a perfect opportunity if you’re a first home buyer trying to save a deposit.

Other changes include adjustments to the Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding Tax, which was first introduced last year. The threshold rate has been reduced from $2 million to $750,000 while the tax rate has been increased from 10 to 12.5 per cent.

For more information and to find out what real estate activity is happening in your area click on the suburbs below...

Bedfordale          Canning Vale         Darling Downs / Oakford       

Kelmscott          Kelmscott Hills         Mount Nasura       

Mount Richon        Seville Grove         Southern River       

Why did the Estimated Resident Population change? June 2017

You may have noticed that as part of the 2016 Census data release, the ABS releases updated Estimated Resident Population (ERP) figures for Australia and the states. When we look at these new state-based ERPs, some interesting revisions have been made, so we thought we’d try to explain what has happened.

When the ABS release Census data every 5 years, they include two different population figures: the Census count and the ERP.

The ERP is made up of the Census counts, along with the number of people who were overseas on Census night (who are not counted in the Census) and estimates of the number of people who didn’t fill in a Census form (net undercount), to give a more accurate estimate of the actual population. In the 5 year period following a Census, the ERPs are modelled each quarter using births, deaths and migration information to provide a more up-to-date population estimate. When new Census data are released, the ABS re-bases the ERP figures to the new Census counts to provide a more accurate base number to start the next 5-year cycle with. So this year, the ERP was released in March (still modelled from the 2011 Census data) and then revised again in June using the new 2016 Census counts.

Comparing the pre-Census ERP (based on 2011 Census) and the post-Census ERP (based on 2016 Census) gives us a chance to see not only how things have changed over the past 5 years but also how accurate the modelling of the ERP has been between Censuses.

Read full article from .id | the population experts here

Multiple indicators point to softer housing market conditions, June 2017

The CoreLogic May Home Value Index results out today confirmed that the capital gains trend has slowed over recent months with dwelling values edging 0.4% higher over the three months ending May 2017.

According to CoreLogic head of research Tim Lawless, Australia’s capital cities saw a cooling of housing market conditions over the seasonally weak month of May with the CoreLogic hedonic home value index reporting a -1.1% fall in dwelling values across the combined capitals. The month-on-month fall was largely the result of declines in Sydney and Melbourne, where dwelling values have recorded significant gains over the current growth cycle to date.

He said, “The past three months has seen capital city dwelling values rise by a modest 0.4%, with four of the eight capitals recording a fall. Over the past three months, Sydney dwelling values are unchanged while Melbourne values have increased by 0.7%.”

“The trend in growth rates across the smaller capital cities was mixed with dwelling values across Brisbane and Adelaide continuing to inch higher while values in Perth and Darwin showed further easing over the most recent rolling quarter. A steep drop in the Hobart index has reversed the
gains recorded over the previous quarter and the Canberra index was also -1.5% lower over the past three months.”

Read full article from CoreLogic here

5 headline stories from the latest economic data, May 2017

As we wait for demographic information from the 2016 Australian Census, we thought we’d take the opportunity to update you on some of the latest spatial economic trends across Australia now that our economic profiles include National Economics (NIEIR) data for all Local Government Areas from 2015/16.

One of the great things about is that it provides a fantastic data source for regular, local economic information, which takes account of local changes in the economy, in the years in-between Censuses.

Read full article from .id | the population experts here

Benefits of Foreign Investment in Real Estate, May 2017

Foreign investment is vital to the strength of the Australian economy. As a nation, we depend on international capital to finance the pool of investment that underpins Australia’s economic growth.

Over the past 25 years, the gap between Australia’s domestic savings and its investment needs has been around 4 per cent of GDP. International capital has made up the difference, filling the gap between what Australia saves and invests every year and allowing Australia to have higher rates of economic growth than would otherwise be possible.

However, the value and significance of foreign investment, particularly in real estate, are poorly understood. There has been limited analysis of the role of foreign investment across the whole property industry, and this type of investment is often viewed solely through the lens of the residential property market.

Read full report from The Property Council of Australia here

Naked Edge Real Estate Market Updates, May 2017

 – Perth Market Starting To Recover & NBN Advice –

It’s taken a while but we are starting to see all the signs that the market is slowly starting to recover. Autumn has seen a steady increase of sales volumes from around 300 sales per week now closer to 500, according to REIWA.

If you are thinking about buying then I suggest you get in and do it now, as we anticipate in the near future buyers will look back and say “We should have bought back then”.
Strong confidence in the mining sector and an up beat outlook for CBD high rise buildings will bring back employment security and start to see migration numbers increased from interstate workers.

For more information and to find out what real estate activity is happening in your area click on the suburbs below...

Bedfordale          Canning Vale         Darling Downs / Oakford         Harrisdale

Kelmscott          Kelmscott Hills         Mount Nasura         Mount Richon

Seville Grove         Southern River        Yangebup

Budget explainer: the federal-state battle for funding, April 2017

There seems to be an ever present struggle for a share of the revenue government collects, not only between states but also between the different levels of government.

In each year’s budget, the federal government allocates funds for federal programs (such as defence) and for some programs operated at a state level (such as school education, public transport, and hospitals). It has this role because it also collects more revenue from taxpayers than the states.

The reason for this all relates back to (at least in part) the Australian constitution.

The division of power between the federal and state governments

The federal parliament can only legislate (that is, make laws) in certain areas, known as “heads of power”, most of which are listed in sections 51 and 52 of the Constitution. This gives the federal parliament the power to legislate with respect to matters such as defence, external affairs, immigration, invalid and old-age pensions, and marriage.

In contrast, there is no equivalent limit on the legislative power of the states. The states may legislate in any area. However, section 109 of the constitution provides that where there is an inconsistency between a federal law and a state law, the federal law will prevail. In simple terms, this means that if the federal parliament has made a law dealing with a particular matter, state governments are unable to legislate in ways that conflict with the federal law.

Read full article from The Conversation here

Newly Built Units Have Outweighed Houses Across Australia for the First Time on Record, April 2017

Based on Building Activity data released by the ABS there were more newly built units completed over the December 2016 quarter than houses, the first time on-record this has occurred.

The number of new dwellings approved for construction has recently fallen from historically high levels which will over time result in fewer commencements and completions moving forward.  The latest building activity data for the December 2016 quarter, showed that dwelling commencements and completions were actually higher over the quarter.  Meanwhile, the number of dwellings under construction and the number of dwellings approved but awaiting commencement fell. 

Over the December 2016 quarter there were 28,690 new houses that commenced construction and 27,887 new units which commenced construction.  While new house commencements were -3.4% lower, new unit commencements increased by 3.9%.  Since the end of 2016 there has been a substantial decline in house and unit approvals so it is reasonable to expect that dwelling commencements will follow the lead of approvals and start to trend lower over the coming quarters.

Read full article from CoreLogic here

Australia’s Top 20 Fastest Growing Areas, April 2017

It’s that time of year again (not just the AFL season), the ABS has released 2016 Estimated Resident Population (ERP) figures for Local Government Areas and other small area geographies in Australia. As always there’s some very interesting data in this release.

Australia’s growing cities

In 2015-16, Australia’s population grew by 1.4%, or 337,800 persons to reach 24.1 million. Greater Sydney is still our biggest city, this year having (just!) hit the 5 million mark with a population of 5,005,358. Greater Melbourne is hot on Sydney’s heels with 4.64 million. Greater Melbourne recorded the greatest volume of growth – 107,770 persons, and this was also the highest growth rate at 2.4%, quite an increase from last year. Greater Sydney continues its recent growth spurt, adding 82,797 persons (1.7% growth rate). Population growth in Greater Sydney and Greater Melbourne continues to far outstrip that of other capital cities and it’s notable that Greater Brisbane added almost double the number of persons to the population in 2015-16 than Greater Perth (41,135 and 27,428 persons respectively). The slowdown in Perth’s growth is no surprise given recent macro level demographic trends in Australia and this is now being reflected in data for smaller geographic areas such as LGAs.

Where are the fastest growing areas?

The ABS does a great job at providing analysis of this data for SA2s on its website, but this analysis will focus on LGAs. Most of the fastest growing LGAs were located in Australia’s capital cities, typically on the urban fringe – but of course there are notable exceptions. The table below shows the fastest growing LGAs (top 20) as measured by the growth rate in Australia during 2015-16.

Read full article from .id | the population experts here

Is it all doom and gloom after the boom in Western Australia? March 2017

With the end of the mining resources boom in Western Australia, many people are left wondering, Is it all doom and gloom after the boom? We’re so glad you asked! Let’s take a look at what is happening in the West, including the demographic trends affecting the state’s population and the future outlook for WA’s population in the next 20 years.

I’ll use .id’s recently updated small area population forecasts for Western Australia as a basis for this blog to give you the most up to date future view possible. Our Small Area Forecast information (SAFi) for WA covers nearly 3,000 geographic areas across the state, which provides the ability to drill down into granular, hyperlocal detail or build up into customised catchment areas.

How is Western Australia’s population changing?

Some highlights include:

  • In the last decade, WA’s population increased by over 511,000, boosting the state’s total population to over 2.6 million.
  • During the height of the mining boom, the state’s population growth rate peaked at 3.6% p.a., well above that of Australia.
  • More recently, WA’s population growth has slowed from its previous heights.

Read full article from .id | the population experts here

CoreLogic Housing Market Update, March 2017

Watch the latest Housing Market Update for Perth, WA, presented by CoreLogic research director Tim Lawless.

"The latest hedonic index results from CoreLogic showed further growth in dwelling values across most of the capital cities. The February data showed capital city dwelling values rose by 1.4% over the month, once again being fuelled by Sydney and Melbourne, as well as strong capital gains across Canberra and Hobart where the performance of the housing market has been gathering some pace.  

Weaker market conditions have persisted in the mining states, with dwelling values slipping lower over the year in Perth and Darwin, while Brisbane values also slipped over the month."

National housing market update - Australia

Household debt likely to stand in the way of rate hikes, March 2017

Official interest rates are at historic lows and it seems unlikely that they are going to be increasing in the near future. Furthermore, don’t expect interest rates to return to historic average levels due to record high levels of household debt.

The Reserve Bank (RBA) Governor Phil Lowe suggested last week that if it wasn’t for the strength of the housing market, and a fear of inflating it further, official interest rates would be lower.  It was an interesting comment from an RBA Governor, especially when you read what the RBA’s function is: The (RBA) is Australia's central bank and derives its functions and powers from the Reserve Bank Act 1959. Its duty is to contribute to the stability of the currency, full employment, and the economic prosperity and welfare of the Australian people. It does this by setting the cash rate to meet an agreed medium-term inflation target, working to maintain a strong financial system and efficient payments system, and issuing the nation's banknotes.

Read full article from CoreLogic here

Where are we in the global investment cycle? What does this mean for investors? February 2017

It’s now a decade since the first problems with US sub-prime mortgages started to appear and nearly eight years since share markets hit their global financial crisis lows. From those lows in 2009 lows US shares are up 239%, global shares are up 167% and Australian shares are up 80% (held back by relatively higher interest rates, the absence of money printing, the plunge in commodity prices from their 2011 highs and the high $A). An obvious question is how close the next downturn is, which ultimately relates to where we are in the investment cycle.

Read full article from AMP Capital here

CoreLogic Housing Market Update, February 2017

Watch the latest Housing Market Update for Perth, WA, presented by CoreLogic research director Tim Lawless.

The housing and economic data is derived from the CoreLogic Hedonic Home Value Index for the month of January, released February 2017.

Naked Edge Real Estate Market Updates, January 2017

-- The Property Clock --

There has been a lot of talk about the property clock as a barometer for predicting where a real estate market is and I’m a strong believer in it as property is cyclical by nature, especially in the long term.

But there is a problem with the typical property clock, in that it is round and even, just like in figure 1, when in real terms it should be more of an oval, as in figure 2. (see links below)

The reason for this is property declines slowly in the first instance then the decline speeds up until the bottom of the market (shown at 6 o’clock). This is driven in most part by employment and in turn lending criteria, which both have taken a hit in WA since 2014.

For more information and to find out what real estate activity is happening in your area click on the suburbs below...

Bedfordale          Canning Vale         Darling Downs / Oakford         Harrisdale

Kelmscott          Kelmscott Hills         Mount Nasura         Mount Richon

Piara Waters          Roleystone         Seville Grove         Southern River         Yangebup

Corelogic Monthly Housing & Economic Chart Pack, January 2017

The latest Monthly Housing & Economic Chart Pack from CoreLogic provides a detailed national market update with a focus on capital city housing market conditions and performance over time.

Click image for full Report







CoreLogic Housing Affordability Report, December 2016

Approaching its five year anniversary, the current upswing in housing values has shown unprecedented longevity. The past five years has seen national dwelling prices rise by 19%, while simultaneously, modelled income estimates from the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods (ANU) suggest household incomes rose by just 9.2%.

The CoreLogic Affordability Report provides valuable insights, particularly when analysed over time. However, it is important to remember that the analysis considers the median household income and dwelling prices, and therefore may not capture all household demographics such as single income families, the quality of housing and housing size. 

Furthermore, measures of affordability can be skewed in some regions such as coastal and lifestyle markets, where a large proportion of retirees and/or absentee owners (holiday homes) can cause a downwards bias in household income measures.

Click image for full Report







Code of conduct for agents and sales representatives, October 2016

New Code of Conduct

A review of the Code of Conduct for Agents and Sales Representatives 2011 (old Code) under the Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 (the REBA Act) has been completed following a consultation period held in April and May of this year that provided industry members with the opportunity to make comment on the proposed changes to the Code.

The Code of Conduct for Agents and Sales Representatives 2016 (new Code) is to be gazetted 4 October 2016 and will take effect on 5 October 2016.

A two-month transition period is in place.  During this period, if an agent or sales representative fails to comply with the new Code, but does comply with the old Code, they will not be taken to be in breach of the new Code. 

Agents should make it a priority to revisit their business practices and procedures during the transition period, in order to implement any changes necessary to comply with the new Code.  The two-month transition period also provides an opportunity for agents to educate themselves and their staff about the requirements of the new Code.  

The redrafting of the rules brings the new Code in line with modern legislative requirements and includes new rules requiring agents and sales representatives to:
• disclose to the purchaser if they are related to the vendor;
• where an agent gives an opinion as to a property’s current market price, the agent must provide information supporting that opinion;
• communicate all offers including verbal offers to their client; and
• comply with any fiduciary obligations that may arise in their role of agent.

It is important to note that despite the introduction of a new Code, the underlying duties and responsibilities for industry members remain the same.

The new Code is available on the Department’s website.  For further information please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions webpage.

CoreLogic Pain and Gain Report, September Quarter 2016

Over the September 2016 quarter, 9.4% of resold dwellings (those dwellings which have been sold at least once prior) transacted at a price lower than the previous purchase price. The proportion of resales at a loss was higher than the 8.1% a year earlier as well as being higher than the 9.3% over the previous quarter. Homes reselling at a loss are becoming more regular however, a substantial majority of dwellings resold continue to sell at a price in excess of the price at which they were purchased for.

Dwellings resold across a capital city are much more likely to sell for a profit than those across regional areas of the country. Over the September 2016 quarter, 7.1% of capital city dwellings resold transacted for less than their previous purchase price compared to 13.3% across the combined regional markets. The proportion of resales at a loss increased over the quarter across the capital city markets but fell across regional areas of the country. Both capital cities and regional areas are seeing the instances of dwellings reselling at a loss well below recent peaks, however capital city loss making resales have been gradually drifting higher since late 2015, while regional loss making resales have trended lower since peaking in early 2013.

Click image for full Report







CoreLogic Pain and Gain Report, June Quarter 2016

CoreLogic’s Pain and Gain Report is a quarterly analysis of residential properties which were resold over the quarter. It compares the most recent sale price to the previous sale price in order to determine whether the property sold at a gross profit or gross loss. It provides a proxy for the performance of each housing market and highlights the magnitude of profit or loss the typical seller of a home makes across those regions analysed.

Over the June 2016 quarter, 9.5% of all dwellings resold recorded a gross loss when compared to their previous purchase price. This figure was higher than the 9.3% at the end of the first quarter this year and the highest proportion recorded since March 2014. Across those dwellings which resold at a loss over the quarter, the total value of loss was $459 million with an average loss of $73,009.

Given less than 10% of homes resold at a loss over the quarter, more than 9 out of every 10 homes resold for more than their previous purchase price. Across these sales, the total profit was recorded at $15.7 billion and an average profit of $262,550 per resale. Also important to note is that over the quarter, 29.4% of resold homes transacted for more than double their previous purchase price.

Click image for full Report







Maquarie Bank Interest Rate Report, February 2016

The members of the Reserve Bank Board met for the first time this year on Tuesday 2 February and after considering December and January’s economic data, kept the official interest rate on hold at 2%.

Despite recent financial market ructions over concerns on global growth, the RBA would have drawn on this data to ascertain if growth is at risk.

Watch Martin Lakos, Division Director, Macquarie Private Wealth, discuss the RBA’s decision.

Corelogic RPData Media Release, January 2016

Move over Sydney, Melbourne takes over as the best performing capital city over the past twelve months