From our Founder and CEO Brendan Leahy

When I was asked to write a short introductory piece about our company, I thought long and hard about what I would love you to know about Naked Edge Real Estate. I asked myself whether I should I tell you about what makes us different from other agencies, explain the ideas behind our unique approach to real estate, share our principle based core values and ethos, introduce you to our team of exceptional agents and office staff or speak to you of the countless number of clients who we have had the honour and privilege of being able to work with and assist in the sale and purchase of their homes.

Ultimately, I decided to let the rest of our website do that for me and chose to let you know a few things about myself and my background. Because I knew that if you understood a little about my personal story that you would gain an insight into why I love real estate, what drove me to launch Naked Edge in 2012 and what still drives me to continually strive to do things differently to better serve my clients and my team each and every day. 

Basically, I’m a country boy by birth, growing up on a 5,500 acre cattle farm in the middle of NSW farming land, and in my heart, I remain one to this day, even though it has been many years since I left the farm. As the second youngest of fifteen children, my parents instilled in us 4 foundational lessons for life.

  1. Always put 100% into whatever you do or don’t do it
  2. Be kind to those all around you, particularly those less fortunate 
  3. Always leave a dollar for the next person and 
  4. Don’t tell B/S – life is too short and you have to have too good a memory. 

I still follow these rules both in my business and family life and have found that their wisdom has stood the test of time and largely contributed to my success to date.

My working career began from the age of 14 and with many years of hands on experience in business, first as an employee, but mostly as a business owner I’ve had my fair share of successes and failures, triumphs and challenges, however most importantly I have never stopped learning and growing.

After selling a highly successful NSW based business which I owned and ran with my wife Janine, in 2002, we made the shift to WA with our 3 children and in 2003 I embarked on my real estate career. And you could say that the rest is history however, even though I fell in love with real estate, it wasn’t the selling of the homes that grabbed me, it was the interaction with the sellers and buyers that I found enthralling and the experience of seeing people achieve their dream of a new home for their family, so rewarding. 

But there was a really big but. 

Whilst working on my real estate career, I kept looking and thinking that there has to be a better way of doing real estate. That the way it was and currently, still is conducted, is crazy and it doesn’t seem to help the end user as it should – the buyers and sellers and also the agents.

Then began my search for a better way to do this business and a better way to serve my clients. So I decided to find who was the best in real estate, learn from them and put my learning into my own real estate business one day. I spent endless hours and countless dollars learning and training and travelling the world to learn so no stone was left unturned. And I learnt from the best in the industry – John McGrath, Shane Smollen, Mat Steinwede, Lee Woodward, Rik Rushton, David Knox, Dr Fred Gross, Matt Church and Michael Sheargold. I went to AREC and the principles conference every year, then to America to learn from the best – Keller Williams.

Finally in May 2006 Brendan Leahy Real Estate opened its doors and I was able to apply everything that I had learned and experienced over the years and was rewarded with a high degree of success and client loyalty.  I must say that it wasn’t an overnight success and that there was a lot of hard work and training, but I was at last able to do things differently. I could finally make the changes which I felt were sorely needed within the real estate industry, test my ideas and demonstrate that they worked within my business.

After 6 years at the helm of Brendan Leahy Real Estate, and after working closely with two of the world’s greats in marketing and business grown – Siimon Reynolds and Brian Sher -  I made the decision to make one additional shift with my business. And that’s why on the 27th of August 2012, Naked Edge Real Estate was born, and has gone on to become an industry game changer.

I look forward to serving you and your needs in furthering your real estate career.

Kind regards, 

Brendan Leahy 
CEO of Naked Edge Real Estate

Brendan Leahy