03 Aug 2016
Staying Put – Aussies Less Keen to Move

Staying Put – Aussies Less Keen to Move

Staying Put – Aussies Less Keen to Move
Guid,Tips,Selling,Auction real estate agents

According to the latest findings from Roy Morgan Research almost 60% of Australians 14+ have been living at the same address for five years or more.

Those from the ACT and rural South Australia show the most propensity to stay put in one place for the long-term (10+ years) and Queenslanders being noticeably more inclined to move house within less than five years.

The old chestnut about a change being as good as a holiday clearly hasn’t hit home with Australian householders: 40.7% of the population have been at their current address for a decade or more, and 17.4% have been living at theirs for between five and 10 years.

Only 14.3% have been in their household for less than 12 months.

How long Australians have lived at their current address?

Source: Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), April 2015-March 2016, n= 14,885. NB: excludes those who couldn’t say

Not surprisingly, 65.3% of people who’ve been in their current home for less than 12 months are renting.

With the ever-increasing cost of rent and the great Australian dream of home-ownership, it’s rare to rent the same property for a long period: in fact, only one in every 10 Aussies who rent have lived in the one place for more than a decade.

In contrast, 68.4% of Australians who own their home outright have been at the same address for 10-plus years.

On the move: house-moving by region

Around the nation, certain cities and rural areas stand out for being home to above- or below-average proportions of long-term householders.

For example, 54.3% of country South Australians and 51.3% of ACT residents have been in their current dwelling for more than a decade, compared with 36.5% of Brisbane locals and less than a third of people living in country Queensland.

Australia’s most and least mobile regions

Source: Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), April 2015-March 2016, n=14,855

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Written by Naked Edge Writers

Staying Put – Aussies Less Keen to Move
Naked Edge Writers

Naked Edge Real Estate Writers collaborating to bring the latest news and trends in real estate for buying, selling and working in the exciting world of real estate.

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