Reliable Real Estate Careers Perth, WA

We firmly believe that there is a certain type of person who can and will truly excel in the real estate industry. Over the years we have seen that brilliant real estate agents are individuals who possess:

  • Enthusiasm
  • Passion
  • Ambition
  • Discipline 
  • Dedication to deliver exceptional and incomparable results
  • A massive desire to serve and assist people to achieve their dreams and goals 

In fact for these agents, the sky certainly is the limit! 

Because of this understanding, one of our key business principles at Naked Edge is that we aren’t in the property business, we are in the PEOPLE business; houses are just one aspect. 

Therefore we are looking for professional, career based agents who are clearly focussed on serving their clients over the long term, instead of the agents who think there is a quick dollar to be made in real estate. 

You will also:

  • Be a motivated, self starter who is open to learning and growing to be the best in your field.
  • Have built and maintained your own client referral database.
  • Make your own phone ring and be capable of sourcing your own listings from referrals.
  • Rely on your reputation for delivering excellent service and don’t need to rely upon office leads.
  • Desire to operate your own business but don’t want the administrative responsibilities, legal hassles and large overheads that come with running your own business.

Brendan Leahy takes a moment to discuss why he started Naked Edge Real Estate and what life at Naked Edge is all about...

If you think that this describes you or who you aspire to be in your career, then Naked Edge Real Estate is the company for you. For career testimonials click here

Naked Edge Agents are Top Performers

Naked Edge Agents often make the REIWA Top 30 Monthly Awards. See our recent acheivements here

What Steps Do I Need to Take To Become A Naked Edge Agent?

It’s a simple 3 step process to get ready to join Naked Edge:

  • Possess a Certificate of Registration as a Real Estate Agent
  • Have a minimum of 12 months Real Estate Industry experience, and 
  • Most importantly, a desire to learn and serve your clients

What Do I Need To Bring With Me?

Your Certificate of Registration, a car, a mobile phone and your enthusiasm, drive and dedication to successfully assist people with all of their real estate needs for the long term. 

Be prepared to learn, grow, gain new habits and to be adaptable. We are after agents who like to serve people, not agents who only like houses that look pretty.  Remember, at Naked Edge we believe that real estate is about people and how we can best serve them, it’ not just about houses, it is about people’s homes.

You’re worth more at Naked Edge

You put in the hard yards to get the best outcomes for your clients but who is supporting you? Put Naked Edge Real Estate to the test and see how much you will be better off if you take the next step in your career.

  Calculate Your Commission  

Where Do I Go From Here? 

If you think that you are ready to take the next step in your real estate career, contact us for an obligation-free chat today. We would love to hear from you, can answer your questions and provide you with all of the necessary information about “how we do things differently” here at Naked Edge Real Estate. 

We feel that it’s important that you are empowered to make an informed decision about your future, so we’re also happy to meet with you at a time that suits you and we will show you everything, because at Naked Edge, we have nothing to hide!

So, if you are excited about the opportunity to move forward in your career and think you may have what it takes to become a successful member of the Naked Edge Real Estate team talk to us on 6254 6333 or email and secure your suburb today. We understand that you are a working professional and we value your privacy. Therefore you can rest assured that your current position, career circumstances and all discussions with us will remain strictly confidential.


What traits and qualities make a good real estate agent?

It’s not just experience so let’s take a look at how to sort the hay from the chaff!


1. Different walks of life

Assembling a great team of agents means having a mix of experience, women and men, younger and older people.

Instead of just real estate experience, think people who have worldly experience — those who have seen different places and cultures, done some interesting things in their lives, even made some mistakes, or have possibly experienced some pain along the way.

Real estate is not a “technical sport”. Yes, it’s important to understand the legislation and be able to read a contract. It’s also important to justify an opinion and value a property.

These things can be learnt by doing a course, but I’ve discovered that there are many people who have done a real estate course and half of them apply for a job telling me they “just love property”.

Agents also need to have their own affairs in order. Real estate is about solving problems and you can’t do this if your own life is in shambles.

2. Heart

Real estate is a “people business”, so the ability to connect is crucial. The best agents have natural charisma, which is the type of charisma that comes from a real place: a likeable personality.

Agents have to be humble, have a heart and be enthusiastic. Huge egos and overconfidence make alarm bells sound. Honesty and trustworthiness go a long way and while everyone will claim to have these traits, when there’s money involved, you quickly see who the genuine people are.

These are the types of people who work well in a team. They help each other, they understand if someone in the team is under the pump, they offer their help, in the knowledge that they’re building up their own karma credits by doing so.

3. Overlook gender stereotypes

Male or female, the best agents understand what the situation calls for, then respond effectively, efficiently and confidently. This can mean exhibiting characteristics and behaviours that may be “typically” more suited to the opposite gender when the situation arises.

This could mean being more organised, forceful, empathetic or nurturing in any given situation.

4. People people

People who have come from either a hospitality or retail background can make excellent agents. They are usually very organised, customer-focused and work well under pressure.

Experience is important, but in real estate, it’s not the be-all and end-all. Some of the best agents are fresh and, because the business of real estate is intense, sometimes experienced agents are just worn out.

People who are good listeners and good communicators also excel. This doesn’t necessarily mean they have to be good writers, but instead they need to communicate in a real, genuine way. If they are excited, this should show; if they are nervous, that’s understandable too; if they are open and honest, this should be obvious.

Unfortunately, good people don’t always make good agents and, likewise, good agents aren’t necessarily good people.

5. Goal-setters

Whether a team member’s goals are to improve their lifestyle, further their education, become more widely read, people who set goals have a natural motivation and willing attitude that a career in real estate demands.

While it’s not always possible for younger people, of course, agents who have either bought or sold property in their own lives helps greatly. It gives them an understanding of how the property market works from a tax, finance, growth and returns points of view. It also provides insights into what does or doesn’t work from the customer’s perspective.

People who have owned their own business, or worked in a family business, typically have the work ethic, commitment, determination and understanding of risk that translates well in a real estate environment.

And finally, there’s passion. Not the clichéd passion for property but passion for life and success.