07 Aug 2015
Trusting A Real Estate Agent

Trusting A Real Estate Agent

Trusting A Real Estate Agent
Guid,Tips,Selling,Auction real estate agents

It’s true the real estate industry doesn’t have the best perception. There’s even research to back it up. Roy Morgan’s annual Image of Professions Survey ranks 30 different professions and real estate agents took out the 28th place this year - just above car salesmen and advertising people! 

But is the perception fair? The agents at Naked Edge Real Estate are certainly doing their bit to change this perception, one customer experience at a time. Judging by our customer feedback forms, our clients would have us much higher up the professions ranking!

Few people really consider what goes into being a real estate agent. They think high commissions for little effort but that’s far from reality. Real estate agents are expected to be available 24/7 on the phone and online to answer any queries. Few consider the number of hours agents work on the weekend missing out on sporting activities, celebrations and family time. A real estate agent also wears many hats and has to be skilled in many areas from finance to writing not to even consider the people, communication and negotiation skills required. 

But trust works both ways. Many agents could tell you stories about when they lost trust in the general public. A seller may have promised to sell at a certain price point and when an offer comes in they have changed their mind and want the agent to gain higher offers from other buyers. A buyer may say they want to reinspect a property but doesn’t return the agent’s calls or worse still doesn’t show up at a pre-arranged home open. When these scenarios play out time after time, it’s understandable that agents start to dis-trust the public. But as agents we have to remember that no two people are the same and the next buyer or seller we meet will be completely different to the last. 

The relationship between agent and seller is built on trust between both parties. At Naked Edge Real Estate we build that trust early on with exceptional customer service and honest conversations and finish it with a positive outcome for all parties. We won’t ever promise to sell a house at an unrealistic price to win a contract or reassure the seller that we will have it sold in a short timeframe when the average number of days on the market has increased. Bad experiences lead to mistrust.  

At Naked we know that this industry is built on trust and word of mouth. If we can ensure our sellers and buyers have a positive experience with our agents they will tell other potential clients and trust in Naked Edge Real Estate agents continues to grow. We’re doing our part in turning around the results of those profession surveys so that one day real estate agents appear much closer to the top. To see how we work on trust, you can read some our testimonials or find out for yourself by arranging to meet your local Naked Edge Real Estate agent.


Written by Naked Edge Writers

Trusting A Real Estate Agent
Naked Edge Writers

Naked Edge Real Estate Writers collaborating to bring the latest news and trends in real estate for buying, selling and working in the exciting world of real estate.

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