Written by Naked Edge Writers


Naked Edge Real Estate Writers collaborating to bring the latest news and trends in real estate for buying, selling and working in the exciting world of real estate.

Posts By Naked Edge Writers

Post Lockdown Market Update - WA is doing well, but the rest of Australia is in trouble...

WA real estate is holding strong.

The number of homes currently on the market has continued to drop and is creating competition for buyers. In the last two months we’ve been flooded with enquiries, private inspection bookings and have had 12 Perth homes go under offer.

I don’t have a crystal ball, but history shows us that after a major event like COVID-19 markets tend to rebound, and rebound very strongly.

Here’s five things insulating Perth from the impacts of COVID-19 compared to other capital cities in Australia …


Six Coronavirus Fears From Perth Sellers

Are you wondering how coronavirus (COVID-19) is going to affect your home for sale?

Maybe you’ve currently got your home on the market, or you were thinking about listing it for sale soon, and because of coronavirus you’re now feeling overwhelmed, and uncertain about what you should do (like all of us)! As the Australian media keeps saying; we are in uncharted territory, and unprecedented times.

So today I’ve answered the top six coronavirus fears from my Perth sellers, to help you decide what’s best for your situation, and hopefully help you feel less uncertain and overwhelmed going forward.


Property Turnover Up 216% From 2017!

Even though the media are saying median home prices have declined a further 1 per cent in the last quarter, this marks the smallest rate of decline in 14 months, so in real terms the market has stopped falling.


Perth Real Estate Market Update: Recovery Starting to Show Strength

The bottom of the market is well and truly past us and we are starting to see lots of buyers turning up to home opens! This shows us the market is in recovery, but the old real estate adage ‘presentation and price’ still rules supreme. For a successful sale homes must be priced right and presented well.


How To Prepare Your Home For Sale

Ready to sell your home, but not sure what to fix or tweak before listing it on the market?

Hear my top #3 recommendations to maximise the selling potential of your home, and help it stand out from the rest.


Should I Sell or Rent My Property?

Thinking of upgrading to a bigger home, but can’t decide if you should sell your current property, or rent it out as an investment property?


Subject to Sale: How to Buy a House Before Selling

Want to buy a house before selling your current one, but not sure how?

Maybe you’re ready to upgrade to a bigger, better home than you’re in now, but due to tight finances you need to sell your current house before you can afford to buy it.

The good news is, there is a way for you to buy a house before selling yours, called a subject to sale or ‘subject sale’ offer.


How To Spot A Dud Agent

Choosing an agent to sell your home can be tricky – learn how to spot a dud by asking yourself these four questions…


8 (Totally Cringe) Home Improvement Mistakes

8 (Totally Cringe) Home Improvement Mistakes

Many of us fancy ourselves as DIY experts, and yes, home improvements are a great way to add value to your home, but sometimes some jobs are simply best left to the professionals. Here are a few examples… 


FIVE Great Reasons to Sell in a Post-Election Market

The federal election is over! So what does that mean for the Perth property market?

The number of homes for sale and interest rates are at record lows, so if you’re looking to sell in the coming year, there has never been a better time.  Hear these FIVE reasons why from Brendan Leahy…


How To Entice Buyers with a Brand New Bathroom

How To Entice Buyers with a Brand New Bathroom

Did you know a finished bathroom/s can make or break a property sale?

In our experience, most buyers are looking for a home that is ‘move-in-ready’, meaning the kitchen, bathrooms, and living spaces are finished for them to enjoy. Even the “DIY” types that we see through our home opens will say they’re looking for a home that they can “fix up,” but in a lot of cases this means they’re happy to paint the walls or put down some new carpet…


Sell Your Home for More with these FIVE Updates

Sell Your Home for More with these FIVE Updates

Some home features have always been big sellers to those looking for a new home, like an updated kitchen and bathrooms, while other features are new to the market and appeal to younger buyers - such as integrated smart technology.


How To Make A Moving Process Seamless

How To Make A Moving Process Seamless

Moving is exciting, as it creates an opportunity for a fresh start. But, we would be lying if we said that it was an easy process!

To move an entire home, you need to become a master organiser, set a budget, and figure out how to fit moving into your schedule.


Bad Credit Score? How It Can Impact Your Ability To Buy A New House

Bad Credit Score? How It Can Impact Your Ability To Buy A New House

Have you ever forgotten to pay your bills on time? When applying for a home loan, your credit score can be an important factor in determining your success as well as your interest rates and fees…


Perth Suburb Updates March 2019; APRA Lending, Vacancy Rate and Iron Ore Prices...

Perth Suburb Updates March 2019; APRA Lending, Vacancy Rate and Iron Ore Prices...

Want to see recent home sales in your suburb?

Find your suburb below and download your FREE market update for March, 2019…

  1. Bedfordale
  2. Canning Vale
  3. Darling Downs & Oakford
  4. Kelmscott Hills
  5. Kelmscott
  6. Mount Nasura
  7. Mount Richon
  8. Roleystone
  9. Seville Grove
  10. Southern River

When is the Best and Worst Times of Year To Sell?

When is the Best and Worst Times of Year To Sell?

When is the best time of year to sell?

Deciding when to put your property on the market can be a daunting decision, and often it can feel like there are just too many variables to consider. If you’re an aspiring seller, your brain is probably buzzing with questions like…


Buyers guide to beachfront properties in Western Australia

Buyers guide to beachfront properties in Western Australia

Everyone wants to hear the sound of the ocean and smell the salt water from their doorstep.


Walking to Perth’s beaches and spending weekends surfing with friends is a dream of many in Western Australia.


10 Wall Decor Ideas that Aren't Paintings or Photographs

10 Wall Decor Ideas that Aren't Paintings or Photographs

Plain walls are the enemy of a cozy, creative and lived-in home, but it can be hard to find the right wall accents for your space that don’t cost thousands or betray your sense of style. For many people, collecting original art and special photographs is a lifelong pursuit, so don’t feel bad if you don’t have a gallery’s worth of cherished artwork when you’re just getting started…


WA expected to lead the country for house price growth in NAB Residential Property Survey

WA expected to lead the country for house price growth in NAB Residential Property Survey

NAB have just released the latest Residential Property Survey for December 2018, with results falling to an all time low across all Australian states, but a positive outlook recorded for Perth and Western Australia.  


How Much Does A Bathroom Renovation Cost?

How Much Does A Bathroom Renovation Cost?

Renovating your bathroom can really boost the value of your home, and improve your in-home experience. Although a lot of people want to make this improvement to their house, not understanding the price of the remodeling is a major setback for many.


4 quirky additions to boost your return on investment

4 quirky additions to boost your return on investment

Have you been watching your favourite renovation show and feel inspired to start knocking down walls? Or maybe you’re just itching to make your mark on your home?

Before you unroll your blueprints and get to work, let’s ask ourselves – will these additions be a financial nightmare, and will they add value to my home? We’ve researched four great renovation ideas for you below, that will not only give your home that bit of ‘wow’ factor, but should also boost your return on investment, when it comes time to sell…


Plan Your Finances to Buy a House in 2019

Plan Your Finances to Buy a House in 2019

Buying your very first home is a grand step in life, and it’s perhaps one of the most financially-confusing and challenging tasks for an aspiring homeowner. There is no denying that the Australian housing market is not cheap, and that if you are to procure a home in this economy while staying solvent and maintaining a positive credit score, you will need to plan and prepare your finances thoroughly.


How Long Does It Take To Do a Building Inspection?

How Long Does It Take To Do a Building Inspection?

Buying a home, old or new, or having one constructed for your family is both an exciting and a stressful time. It’s mostly exciting when you picture your family living comfortably and happily, and making wonderful memories, in your new home.


But before you start this amazing new chapter, you have to go through the experience of having the house inspected by a professional building inspector.


Perth market update: top selling suburbs, sales statistics and recovery

Perth market update: top selling suburbs, sales statistics and recovery

Reiwa has just released the latest market statistics and its positive news for both Perth overall, and the local south eastern suburbs!


What does it mean to discharge a mortgage?

What does it mean to discharge a mortgage?

In the excitement and chaos that takes place around the sale of a property, it’s easy for sellers to overlook one vital and time sensitive step – the Discharge of Mortgage with their lender.

The importance of addressing the Discharge of Mortgage sooner rather than later should not be underestimated, for these reasons…


How the house inspection process can start before you even find the property!

How the house inspection process can start before you even find the property!

Typically when you think of a house inspection you think of physically eye-balling the property for its good and not-so-good features. However, the process can begin long before you step foot in the potential property so let’s take a look at what we mean…


I'm livin' in the 70s - how the median Australian house price has changed.

I'm livin' in the 70s - how the median Australian house price has changed.

Are you always kicking yourself for not purchasing property 40 years ago, seeing how exponentially the prices have increased?

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and assume you bought your first home or investment property in 1975.

Across Australia’s capital cities in 1976, median house prices looked like this…


Red flag alert - the worst off-the-plan suburbs in Australia

Red flag alert - the worst off-the-plan suburbs in Australia

The widespread oversupply issue is universally acknowledged by banks in Australia, including the Reserve Bank of Australia, who have all compiled ‘blacklists’ for postcodes that are suffering from potential unit saturation.

Lenders will either require a much higher deposit as security on their loan, or they may turn down a loan application entirely.

Lenders understand that oversupplied suburbs carry a greater degree of risk – and those risks are just as real for the investors who buy in those suburbs. In fact, they are one more risk on top of a number of unique dangers inherent in off-the-plan builds.


Why interest rates will remain steady

Why interest rates will remain steady

It has been more than two years since the Reserve Bank made a change to the cash rate and many experts are predicting it may be a long time yet before another change is made.

There is even more uncertainty amongst the ranks whether that move will be a raise or lowering of the cash rate.

One thing is clear though, that rate is going nowhere in the short term!...


It’s not a “set and forget” - the harsh truths about property investing...

As many successes as there are, there are also many more failures when it comes to property investment! People have lost money on what they thought were good investments, and still others have realised that saving up for retirement on the passive income generated through property takes a lot more time than they thought…


Estate Planning - What You Need To Know...

Estate Planning - What You Need To Know...

It’s vital that you receive legal advice when preparing your Will, but in the meantime here are some points to consider – which may even reduce the cost of preparing your Will.


Housing prices over the last 25 years - what's happened?

Housing prices over the last 25 years - what's happened?

Over the past 25 years, the median house value nationally has risen by 412%, or $459,900.

Twenty five years ago, the median house value across Australia was just $111,524 and units showed a slightly higher median value, at $123,840.

Since 1993, median house and unit values have increased by 412% and 316% respectively, providing home-owners with a significant wealth boost.


Create a sense of harmony in your bedroom with Feng Shui

Create a sense of harmony in your bedroom with Feng Shui

You may be in the mood to spring clean your home, but instead of the usual process of decluttering your bedroom wardrobe, why not try some Feng Shui principles to create an inviting atmosphere?

Follow these simple tips to create an oasis in your home, for minimal cost and effort.


What's the new median price for Perth and our other cities?

What's the new median price for Perth and our other cities?

The latest figures by the Domain Group came out today showing that all but three capital cities saw a decrease in median house price over the last three months.
The national median house price also fell by one per cent – that’s not terrible.
Let’s look at what Domain’s June 2018 Quarter results show


Tips to take the stress out of moving house

Tips to take the stress out of moving house

One of the most stressful experiences in life is moving house, but it doesn’t have to be! With some planning and help, the process can be a much smoother one, so here’s our top tips to ease you through the journey.


How far does your dollar stretch in the Sydney property market?

How far does your dollar stretch in the Sydney property market?

We all know the Sydney property market is crazy expensive, but how does it compare to what you can buy here in Perth?


Your Essential First Home Buyer Home Loans Guide

Your Essential First Home Buyer Home Loans Guide

Buying your first home can be an experience mixed with feelings of excitement and trepidation.
It doesn’t have to be a scary process as there are plenty of professionals out there who can help you manage the process, including applying for a first home buyer loan…


To Fix Your Interest Rate or Not to Fix

To Fix Your Interest Rate or Not to Fix

If you’re contemplating whether to fix all (or some) of your interest rate, mull over the following points first to help your decision…


This Report Shows Why WA Real Estate is About to Take Off Again

This Report Shows Why WA Real Estate is About to Take Off Again

This fantastic free e-book from .id, the Australian population experts, gives some great insight into what the future holds after the boom. As always increased population & jobs = good news for real estate! Read it here…


CoreLogic April 2018 Hedonic Home Value Index

CoreLogic April 2018 Hedonic Home Value Index

Capital city dwelling values record their first annual decline since November 2012 while regional dwelling values continue to edge higher…


Sell Your Property Quicker with these Top Tips!

Sell Your Property Quicker with these Top Tips!

Whether your property’s been on the market for longer than you expected, or you need to unload your investment property quickly, here are our top tips to help get it sold quickly!


Perth Property - The Next Big Thing or Just a Big Risk?

Perth Property - The Next Big Thing or Just a Big Risk?

Perth is attracting a new wave of attention (long overshadowed by the Sydney and Melbourne property markets) with many investors believing the property market has hit rock bottom and that strong capital growth will follow. Read more…


GUEST BLOG - Buy Your Home Without Losing Your Partner

GUEST BLOG - Buy Your Home Without Losing Your Partner

Buying a home is a particularly stressful event, especially for couples. Disagreements can damage your relationship, however, planning and open communication can prevent problems. Read on to see my tips on avoiding and managing the aquisition of property in a relationship…


Planning on Building? Consider These Costs

Planning on Building? Consider These Costs

Many first-time builders consider the land purchase price and construction costs, and even if you need to keep paying rent whilst building, but there are many other financial aspects to consider. These can include…


Important First Homebuyer Lessons to Teach Your Children

Important First Homebuyer Lessons to Teach Your Children

If 2018 is the year for your kids to hop onto the property ladder, first take a look at these ten valuable lessons you can teach your children to get them off on the right foot.


What Traits Make a Good Agent?

What Traits Make a Good Agent?

What traits and qualities make a good real estate agent? It’s not just experience so let’s take a look at how to sort the hay from the chaff!


Real Estate Spiel Decoded

Real Estate Spiel Decoded

The terms used to describe a property for sale have always been a bit tricky to understand, as agents tend to find words which paint their property in the most positive light. This is understandable, but what do these phrases actually mean?


Thinking Renovation? Consider these Important Factors.

Thinking Renovation? Consider these Important Factors.

With the influx of renovation reality shows, you might be considering swinging a hammer around your own place or purchasing a property with major renovation plans in mind. Unfortunately, the reality of a large-scale renovation project is very different to the ‘TV reality’.


Median Property Prices - Why You Should Take Them With A Grain Of Salt

Median Property Prices - Why You Should Take Them With A Grain Of Salt

While median house prices are one of the most cited property market statistics as with any single measure there are some shortcomings that investors need to understand in order not to be misled.


What Happens To Your Super When You Die?

What Happens To Your Super When You Die?

It’s something you probably don’t want to think about, but is worth schooling up on. Let’s take a look at some of the most common misunderstandings about what happens to super when the individual dies.


Understanding Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI)

Understanding Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI)

LMI is an insurance policy which compensates lenders or investors for losses due to the default of a mortgage loan.


Property Ownership Dream Still Alive In WA

Property Ownership Dream Still Alive In WA

The great Australian dream of property ownership is still alive in Western Australia. Despite the growing issue of housing affordability, house prices in WA have become more affordable over the last couple of years.


Sell Or Rent Your Family Home? 10 Things To Consider

Sell Or Rent Your Family Home? 10 Things To Consider

Whatever the reason may be, you may be faced with the decision to move away from your family home. Should you sell or should you retain the property and rent it out?


Your Guide To Home Loan Interest Rate Discounts

Your Guide To Home Loan Interest Rate Discounts

When applying for a home loan, lenders will calculate whether you are high or low risk. While that does sound a bit harsh, it’s important to understand that banks are generally not loaning you a small amount of money so they need to investigate whether you are a safe bet or not.


Our Tips For A Better Valuation

Our Tips For A Better Valuation

Here are our top 10 tips to help you get a better valuation assessment on your property…


Getting The Best Selling Price For Your Home

Getting The Best Selling Price For Your Home

Taking care of those “little jobs” you’ve been putting off every weekend is very important in achieving a quick sale at the highest possible selling price.


Asbestos - All You Need To Know

Asbestos - All You Need To Know

Did you know Asbestos is the generic term for a number of fibrous silicate minerals?


Successfully Sell Your Property With These 7 Key Tips

Successfully Sell Your Property With These 7 Key Tips

Here are seven key considerations that could make all the difference when it comes to achieving top dollar for your property at sale time.


Helping Your Children Get Into The Property Market

Helping Your Children Get Into The Property Market

What options are out there to help your children into their first property? Let’s take a look.


How The Recent Government Changes Impact Homeowners

How The Recent Government Changes Impact Homeowners

An influx of federal, state, and local government changes took effect on July 1, impacting every investor, homeowner, renter and aspiring homebuyer in Australia.


Don't Make These Mistakes With Your Super

Don't Make These Mistakes With Your Super

There are simple mistakes that people regularly make which means their super account is not working as effectively as it could for them.


How To Lift Your Home's Value

How To Lift Your Home's Value

Here are our tips for boosting the value of your home when it comes round to selling.


Easements 101 - All You Need To Know

Easements 101 - All You Need To Know

We outline what an easement on a property actually is, so that you’re not left scratching your head if it ever pops up during your next real estate transaction.


First Home Buyers – 10 Hot Tips

First Home Buyers – 10 Hot Tips

Consider these top tips before you purchase your first home.


Who Are Our First Home Buyers And What Do They Want?

Who Are Our First Home Buyers And What Do They Want?

First Home Buyers are not all the same, some may start on the property ladder while young & single, others may wait til they are older, married and have already started a family.


Negotiate Like A Pro With These Six Tips

Negotiate Like A Pro With These Six Tips

Here are some tips to help you negotiate like a pro.


What Exactly Is A Strata Title Property?

What Exactly Is A Strata Title Property?

Investing in a strata title property can be a smart move; it’s often an affordable way to enter the property market, and can be beneficial in managing repairs and renovations down the track.


Interest Rates – What’s On The Horizon?

Interest Rates – What’s On The Horizon?

Historic research by Pimco suggests that annual interest rates mostly range between three and six percent. So just how high could ours rise?


Bridging Finance – How Does It Work?

Bridging Finance – How Does It Work?

Securing your dream home is all about acting fast and this means you don’t always have the time to sell the home you’re currently living in. This is where bridging finance can come in handy.


How Much Is Your Home Worth? Bank Valuation vs Market Value

How Much Is Your Home Worth? Bank Valuation vs Market Value

Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t understand the difference between a market value and a bank value but it’s vitally important that they do.


How Emotions Come Into Play When Selling Your Home

How Emotions Come Into Play When Selling Your Home

Selling your home will most likely be one of the largest transactions you will be a part of, so it is essential to separate your love/emotion for your home and start looking at it as real estate.


Life After Divorce - How To Rebuild

Life After Divorce - How To Rebuild

Although divorce is a very emotional and turbulent time in your life, there are some key things you should consider and pay careful attention to that will ensure you can move on after a divorce, including buying a new home.


Divorce - What Happens To The Home?

Divorce - What Happens To The Home?

When homeowners separate and divorce, the division of real estate assets can become a complex issue. The Family Law Act makes certain provisions but, naturally, there are many variables that Family Courts must assess


Property Valuations - 5 Things You Should Know

Property Valuations - 5 Things You Should Know

Valuations are an essential aspect of the property investment game and because their result can be so crucial, here’s five elements to understand about the process.


Apartments That Offer Rental Guarantees

Apartments That Offer Rental Guarantees

While these returns might appear attractive, they’re actually a trap as developers use this ploy to keep flooding the market with over-priced units.


The Six Buyer Segments In The Property Market

The Six Buyer Segments In The Property Market

Our demographic shape is changing; there are six distinct buyer segments in our Australian property market.


5 Things To Look For At A Home Open

5 Things To Look For At A Home Open

The open for inspection can be a critical time for buyers, allowing you to chat to the real estate agent, turn on the taps to check for water pressure, open and close doors, and mentally move the furniture in to see if it fits.

It often helps if you approach a property inspection with a very clear set of questions in mind.


Using Your Home’s Equity To Purchase Your Next One

Using Your Home’s Equity To Purchase Your Next One

Equity is your borrowing power, the amount of money you have in your home or investment property that you can use to purchase further properties. 


Strong Capital Gains Fuel A Spike In Number Of Million Dollar Suburbs

Strong Capital Gains Fuel A Spike In Number Of Million Dollar Suburbs

Over the five years to December 2016, the number of suburbs nationally with a median value of at least $1 million has increased by a staggering 176%.


Don't Make These Property Selling Mistakes

Don't Make These Property Selling Mistakes

How do you avoid making poor choices and ensure a positive selling experience, while also achieving the best sale price possible?


Is That Included? What Stays And What Goes When You Buy A Property

Is That Included? What Stays And What Goes When You Buy A Property

Is everything you saw when you inspected the property included once you take possession?


Perth Unemployment Rate Surpasses 7%

Perth Unemployment Rate Surpasses 7%

Over December and January, greater Perth joined greater Adelaide in the undesirable position of having an unemployment rate which has passed 7 per cent.


Thinking A Property Flip? Be Careful It Doesn't Flop

Thinking A Property Flip? Be Careful It Doesn't Flop

There seems to be a plethora of “house flipping” and renovation shows on our TVs at the moment, but can you really make a living flipping properties?


Whose Name To Put It In? Your Options When Purchasing A Property

Whose Name To Put It In? Your Options When Purchasing A Property

Most property buyers, even seasoned investors, default to simply buying the property in their own name, but this is not always the best and most financially savvy choice. 


Why You’ll Always Be Stuck In Debt

Why You’ll Always Be Stuck In Debt

There are a number of reasons why so many Australians are stuck in a revolving debt cycle so let’s look at five common reasons why this happens.


Self Employed? 5 Things To Help Secure A Mortgage

Self Employed? 5 Things To Help Secure A Mortgage

Just because you’re self-employed doesn’t mean you can never buy a home or are stuck with a ridiculously high interest rate for the “privilege” of qualifying for a loan.


Don’t Let Too Many Days On The Market Be Your Downfall

Don’t Let Too Many Days On The Market Be Your Downfall

Too many days on market ultimately comes down to two things…


Want A Cushy Retirement? Just How Much Do You Need?

Want A Cushy Retirement? Just How Much Do You Need?

Most of us don’t have enough superannuation for a comfortable retirement, so just how much do you need?


Refinancing? Avoid The Not-So-Nice Surprises

Refinancing? Avoid The Not-So-Nice Surprises

Switching to a lower interest rate could lead to big savings, but unless you do your homework, you could find yourself grappling with nasty surprises, including higher fees, tougher terms and new deposit requirements. 


89% Of Mortgage Holders Focus On Paying Down Sooner

89% Of Mortgage Holders Focus On Paying Down Sooner

Nine out of ten mortgage-holding Aussies are in a rush to pay off their home loans, according to new research. 


Just How Big Is The Australian Property Industry?

Just How Big Is The Australian Property Industry?

The total value of all the residential real estate in Australia is over AU$6,600,000,000,000 (6.6 trillion) according to estimates by Corelogic.


Mistakes Costing Property Investors Thousands

Mistakes Costing Property Investors Thousands

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) recognises that the structure of a rental property and the assets within it can experience wear and tear over time and therefore allow tax concessions for investors to account for this deterioration. 


Heading Towards Retirement? Pension Asset Test Changes in 2017

Heading Towards Retirement? Pension Asset Test Changes in 2017

On January 1, 2017 the age pension underwent significant changes. Changes to the assets test, which determine who can receive a pension and how much, could see 166,000 pensioners receive an increase in their entitlements.


6 Financial Mistakes Young People Make

6 Financial Mistakes Young People Make

Let’s take a look at some common traps young people fall into, and how to avoid them if you are one (or one at heart)...


Subdivide and Conquer!

Subdivide and Conquer!

There are a number of ways that investors can create wealth through property development, including subdivision.
If you are considering buying a property to subdivide, here are the costs and the steps involved with subdivision.


Apartment Prices On The Slide In Our CBDs

Apartment Prices On The Slide In Our CBDs

Apartment prices in Australia’s CBDs have fallen by an average of 6.3% in the 12 months to July, according to CoreLogic.


Don't Make These 'Super' Mistakes When Purchasing Property

Don't Make These 'Super' Mistakes When Purchasing Property

More and more investors are using their Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) to invest in property, with a steady increase over the past decade.


Back to the future: Western Australia’s economic future after the boom

Back to the future: Western Australia’s economic future after the boom

Back to the Future is the eighth report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series. Using the latest data available, this report examines recent changes in the state’s economic trends following the tailing off of the resources boom.


Australia's Over-The-Top Property Prices... Who's to Blame?

Australia's Over-The-Top Property Prices... Who's to Blame?

It’s human nature to blame someone else when something seems financially out of reach, particularly when it comes to affording a home. However it is important to understand that all asset prices, and especially property, are driven by three factors:


The CoreLogic November 2016 Hedonic Home Value Index

The CoreLogic November 2016 Hedonic Home Value Index

Capital city dwelling values rise by 0.2% in November as housing growth cycle clicks over 4.5 years of growth.


What will happen with interest rates in 2017?

What will happen with interest rates in 2017?

It’s been a fairly tumultuous year for the world economy, but Australia clocked up 25 years of positive economic growth in 2016


Sink or Swim - A Guide to Pool Fence Safety

Sink or Swim - A Guide to Pool Fence Safety

Evidence suggests that a large number of drowning deaths in pools are as a result of fencing that is faulty or non-compliant with Australian Standards.


The Salvation Army Christmas Appeal

The Salvation Army Christmas Appeal

Naked Edge Real Estate are proud members of the REIWA Community REInvest program and on behalf of The Salvation Army, we are collecting donations for those in need this Christmas and we would love your help!


Are you part of the in-crowd? 1 in 5 Aussies own an investment property

Are you part of the in-crowd? 1 in 5 Aussies own an investment property

​Can you believe one in five Australians own an investment property? Well, that is certainly the case according to ING DIRECT’s latest Financial Wellbeing Index with Generation Y leading the pack. 


Top Tips on Shopping for Property in Australia

Top Tips on Shopping for Property in Australia

Many of you might wonder what it would be like making a new life in another country and some decide to actually go and find out for real, with Australia proving to be one of the most popular destinations.


Steer Clear of Property Spruikers and Investment Seminars

Steer Clear of Property Spruikers and Investment Seminars

We all know the saying “if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is”, and this saying often rings true with the myriad of investment seminars and “get-rich-quick” schemes you’ve no doubt seen.




Commercial property professionals continue to be confident over the next two years and sentiment is improving, the NAB Commercial Property Survey for Q3 shows.


The Latest WA Mining Town Lowdown

The Latest WA Mining Town Lowdown

A decline in commodity prices and a lack of investment in WA’s mining towns continues to have an impact on property prices; however, not all mining towns have recorded an equivalent slowdown. 


Investment Properties - New vs Established

Investment Properties - New vs Established

A brand new house or unit might seem like an appealing investment, but it’s important not to be lured by their shiny outside and pristine interior.


First Home Buyers Have Big Opportunities

First Home Buyers Have Big Opportunities

In his column in Switzer, John McGrath discusses the opportunities rather than the downfalls given to first home buyers. 


Are You A Savvy Saver?

Are You A Savvy Saver?

How does your savings (as a percentage of your income) compare with other Australians?  How do you compare to the rest of the world?


Keeping Tenants Happy While Selling

Keeping Tenants Happy While Selling

If you’re planning to sell your tenanted investment property it’s important to keep the tenants on side during the process.


"Affordable" Investment Properties May Not Be The Best Idea

There’s a common perception that buying an affordable property is the way to go for property investors. The belief is that there will always be demand for this type of property, particularly by young families.


Loan Structuring - How to Save Tax

Loan Structuring - How to Save Tax

Clever loan structuring is often overlooked and can save investors tens of thousands of dollars. Let’s take a look at some of the options which might suit your situation:


Perth housing market cheapest in 13 years

The Perth housing market is at its most affordable in 13 years, giving prospective buyers a chance to grab their own part of the city.


Goodbye "McMansions" - Our Dwellings Are Shrinking


According to The Australian the days of the McMansion are numbered, with the size of Australian homes shrinking over the past few years.


REIWA Perth Metro Market Update - September 2016

Want to know how the Perth Metro property market faired in September? 


Thinking of Buying? Consider These 5 Questions First

Thinking of Buying? Consider These 5 Questions First

To buy or not to buy….that is the question! With pros and cons for each option, let’s weigh up both sides to help you decide if now is the right time for you.


CoreLogic Pain and Gain Report - June Quarter 2016

CoreLogic Pain and Gain Report - June Quarter 2016

A quarterly assessment of realised gross profit and loss based on dwelling re-sales over the June Quarter of 2016.


Settlement Day - What to Expect

Settlement Day - What to Expect

Settlement day can be an exciting and anxious time, so let’s get familiar with all things property settlement.


Looking for an agent? Please DO Judge this Book By Its Cover!

Looking for an agent? Please DO Judge this Book By Its Cover!

It’s important to do your homework when it comes to finding the right real estate agent to sell your home. At Naked we have nothing to hide!


Getting your foot in the door - key steps for first home buyers

Getting your foot in the door - key steps for first home buyers

The best advice we have for first time home buyers is to do as much research as possible and not to make hasty decisions.


Corelogic September 2016 Market Update

This month’s CoreLogic housing market update, presented by CoreLogic research director Tim Lawless.


Bucking the Trend - Why Your First Purchase Should be an Investment Property

Bucking the Trend - Why Your First Purchase Should be an Investment Property

The great Australian dream of owning your own “castle” has changed a little, with many first homebuyers today opting to…


Your Credit Score - Find it & Improve It

Your Credit Score - Find it & Improve It

The average Australian has $4,300 owing on their credit card.


Considering Renting Out Your Spare Room?

Considering Renting Out Your Spare Room?

Instead of using your spare room as a place to hide your dusty treadmill, you might consider renting it out. 


Beware of the Skimmers

Beware of the Skimmers

Be on the lookout out for the “skimmers”; people who skim the cream off the top of other people’s incomes for doing absolutely nothing…


Finding Property with Development Potential

Finding Property with Development Potential

Finding the “right” property is just one of the many challenges for property developers…


Slim Pickings – Just Over a Third of Properties Selling for Under $400,000

Slim Pickings – Just Over a Third of Properties Selling for Under $400,000

Nation-wide our home values are continuing to rise, which is reducing the number of properties available at the lower end of the market for under $400,000.


Maximise your property’s profitability in 3 steps

Maximise your property’s profitability in 3 steps

Managing your finances well is a crucial, yet often overlooked, component of property investment. Get this right and you’ll minimise risk and improve the security of your property portfolio.


How to Ensure a Smooth Settlement

How to Ensure a Smooth Settlement

Here is a quick guide on how to prepare and what to expect, to hopefully make it a much smoother process.


When The Seller Switches Items in a Property Before Settlement

When The Seller Switches Items in a Property Before Settlement

What happens if the seller decides to be sneaky and swap out, say, the expensive Miele dishwasher and substitute it for a bargain basement model on your unconditional contract?


Auction Tips for Buyers & Sellers

Auction Tips for Buyers & Sellers

Auctions can prove an effective tool for buying and selling, although not without risk.


Buying Property Through Your Superannuation

Buying Property Through Your Superannuation

Struggling to get your head around buying property through your superannuation fund? Here are some quick tips…


Staying Put – Aussies Less Keen to Move

Staying Put – Aussies Less Keen to Move

Almost 60% of Australians 14+ have been living at the same address for five years or more. Are you one of them?


Don't Go There! CBD Investments to Avoid

Don't Go There! CBD Investments to Avoid

We all know that location is super important in shaping your property investment decisions…


10 Years On - A look at Property History

Interesting article published by Michael Yardney of Property Update as he reflects over the Australian Property Market over the last decade.


Is Negative Gearing Safe Now The Election Is Over

Is Negative Gearing Safe Now The Election Is Over

With the election and voting all out of the way (finally) it looks like the proposed drastic changes to negative gearing and capital gains tax are off the table… so what does this mean now?


Tempted to refinance? Avoid these traps!

Tempted to refinance? Avoid these traps!

With interest rates at near-record lows, many homeowners and investors are lining up to refinance their mortgages. But is it the right move for you?


Record high for average loan size

Record high for average loan size

Australia’s biggest mortgage aggregator Australian Finance Group (AFG) sold a record $14.6 billion of mortgages in the second quarter of 2016.


Capital Gains Tax 101

Capital Gains Tax 101

Get yourself up to speed on the main types of taxes when it comes to property investment and how these affect your potential profit.


Results Are In - NAB Residential Property Survey: Q2 2016

In the first NAB Residential Property Survey since the RBA cut the official cash rate in May this year, housing market sentiment amongst property professionals softened. 


Downsizing? Avoid these 6 pitfalls

Downsizing? Avoid these 6 pitfalls

Avoid the most common pitfalls that home sellers make when it comes to downsizing by following our tips below.


New Home Sales: Downturn Could Be Ahead

New Home Sales: Downturn Could Be Ahead

According to the most recent Housing Industry Association’s New Home Sales Report  new home sales fell by…


Before You Make an Offer

Before You Make an Offer

If you ask the selling agent what price you should offer, you’re asking the wrong person.


Dwelling Completions Boom as Population Growth Slows

Taking a look at figures released by the ABS last week, population growth has slowed, and completion of construction of properies has increased to a record high…


Family Trusts - How Do They Work?

Family Trusts - How Do They Work?

The number and use of family trusts around Australia for investment purposes has grown significantly over the past decades…


Family Trusts - How to Avoid the Expiration Date

Family Trusts - How to Avoid the Expiration Date

With family trusts in fact having an 80-year lifespan, what are your options for creating a family trust without an expiration date?


Get Up to Speed with New ATO Property Withholding Rules

Get Up to Speed with New ATO Property Withholding Rules

As of July 1, 2016 new property withholding rules came into effect…


Corelogic Housing Market Update - July 2016

CoreLogic has today released their June Home Value Index Report…


Did WA feel pain or gain in the March Quarter?

Did WA feel pain or gain in the March Quarter?

Who else get’s excited for CoreLogic’s Pain & Gain Reports?


The home open: 5 key things to look for

The home open: 5 key things to look for

Even the most beautifully presented property will have a couple of drawbacks, be it the location or the need for a few repairs.


Property Presentation

Property Presentation

First impressions go a long way to getting top dollar for your property…


Divorce: How to Navigate the Home Sales Process

Divorce: How to Navigate the Home Sales Process

It’s something we don’t want to think about, but divorce has some significant implications on the family home and assets…


Rezoning Driving Wealth for WA Investors

Rezoning Driving Wealth for WA Investors

Rezoning has been a significant catalyst for capital growth in some Perth suburbs in recent years…


Negotiating Offers - Don't Leave it to Amateurs!

Negotiating Offers - Don't Leave it to Amateurs!

During the process of selling your home, real estate agents will come across a wide range of…


Thinking Property Development? Consider These Tips First!

Thinking Property Development? Consider These Tips First!

With the property markets ticking along nicely, many investors are looking at taking the next step and getting involved in property development.


Why You Should Have a Property Maintenance Plan

Why You Should Have a Property Maintenance Plan

As a property investor, unexpected repairs on your investment property can really hurt the hip pocket. Thinking ahead and planning for such repairs and maintenance…


Total Returns Reveal Housing Investment is Still a Winner

Total Returns Reveal Housing Investment is Still a Winner

In spite of the recent slowdown, the latest housing finance data shows investor activity in the housing market is on the increase again, with total returns from housing also looking very healthy.


WA Home Price Slump "to end"

WA Home Price Slump

The West Australian today has reported that the current price slump in WA is set to end…


Tips for selling a Vacant Property

Tips for selling a Vacant Property

Here’s our top tips for making the sales process for your empty home a more straightforward one.


Renovating? 5 Things to Consider

Renovating? 5 Things to Consider

Here’s our top five things to mull over before you pick up the sledge hammer!


9 Hot Tips to Sell Your Home Faster

9 Hot Tips to Sell Your Home Faster

Thinking of selling your home this year? Well, you’ll be keen to shift it quickly for the best price.


Rental vacancies continue to climb

Rental vacancies continue to climb

The number of national residential vacancies has risen during the month of April, recording a vacancy rate of 2.5%, and 75,749 vacancies.


Perth Market Mapped Out

Perth Market Mapped Out

They say a picture paints a thousand words, so let’s take a look at the latest market stats for the Perth market.


Biggest Threat to Real Estate Agents

Biggest Threat to Real Estate Agents

The biggest threats to agents are competitors that are better organised and more sophisticated in their approach…


Seven Deadly Sins of Auctions

Seven Deadly Sins of Auctions

We all know about the seven deadly sins, but what about the no-no’s associated with a property auction?


The Importance of Being Pre-Approved

The Importance of Being Pre-Approved

So you’ve decided you want to get onto the property ladder and you’ve already been busy trawling the net for the perfect home…


NAKED WA State Budget Wrap

NAKED WA State Budget Wrap

Today the Treasurer, the Hon Dr Mike Nahan MLA released the 2016-17 State Budget.


The Power of Compound Interest

The Power of Compound Interest

Do you know the power of compound interest in its entirety? 


Why can’t I save for a home deposit? Six home truths

Why can’t I save for a home deposit? Six home truths

Where there’s a will there’s a way! If you have a good job and dream of climbing the property ladder…


12 Tips to Be A Smart Property Investor

12 Tips to Be A Smart Property Investor

Property investment (and in that case nearly everything in life) can be a matter of trial and error…


Get the best bang for your buck! Investment property tax deductions

Get the best bang for your buck! Investment property tax deductions

Can you believe we’re nearly half way through 2016?? With the end of financial year squarely in our sights, we thought we’d share some great tax tips for maximising your investment property deductions.


Naked Budget Wrap

Tonight’s Federal Budget 2016 announcement focused on tax reform, small business, superannuation and infrastructure. 


Brrr... Tips for Selling Your Home This Winter

Brrr... Tips for Selling Your Home This Winter

The days are getting colder and shorter, so how do you make your home shine in winter?


National - Where does your suburb rank?

National - Where does your suburb rank?

Although most of the nation’s property prices have taken a dip, some are still bucking the trend and booming…


National Rental Market Update

National Rental Market Update

Rents in most capital cities continue to rise (with Perth and Darwin bucking the trend)...


Good News! Housing Affordability Improving

Good News! Housing Affordability Improving

Housing affordability improved 2.7% during the March quarter…


Rent vs Buy – Weighing Up the Options

Rent vs Buy – Weighing Up the Options

A hotly debated topic at the moment, whether to rent or buy has pros and cons for both options and ultimately is a personal decision based on your financial situation. 


Tenant myths busted!

Tenant myths busted!

...and how to ensure good tenants stick around!!


Forget the pool! What Buyers Really Want

Forget the pool! What Buyers Really Want

Swimming pools are so last season according to a new survey from finder.com.au, revealing what homebuyers really have on their wish lists.


Sure Sign of a Softening Market

Sure Sign of a Softening Market

This week Landgate have released the latest EAS2 (Electronic Advice of Sale) Request figures…


Investor tips – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

Investor tips – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

It can sometimes be hard to sort the good advice from the bad when it comes to property investment, so we’ve done the hard work for you and summed up the not-so-hot tips to avoid…


When moving home do you buy or sell first?

When moving home do you buy or sell first?

So you’ve decided to move on from your first home, whether you’ve simply outgrown it or looking to upgrade. Think that purchasing your next home is easier than your first home?


Perth Property Market – Where to Next?

Perth Property Market – Where to Next?

In today’s market, buyers are in the driver’s seat with plenty of opportunities to find their dream property.


Buyer Beware! 50 postcodes off limit for property investment

Buyer Beware! 50 postcodes off limit for property investment

Amid rising concerns of falling property prices in the mining towns of Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales, the ANZ has released a list…


Mining town collapse not reflective of broader market

Mining town collapse not reflective of broader market

With the recent performance of mining towns heading in the same direction as the iron ore prices…


The million-dollar question – when’s the best time to buy?

The million-dollar question – when’s the best time to buy?

Oh, to have a crystal ball! Whether you’re a first home buyer, seasoned investor or looking to upsize or downsize, unfortunately, the answer is not so simple. The “best time to buy” occurs when…


Median house prices drop for first time since 2012

Median house prices drop for first time since 2012

It seems like the days of the median house price continuing to rise have come to an end.


First Time Investors - Here are our tips!

First Time Investors - Here are our tips!

Smart property investment decisions can be a great way to achieve financial freedom and set yourself up for a comfortable retirement…


Honey I Shrunk the Blocks!

Honey I Shrunk the Blocks!

Across Australia block sizes are shrinking and land prices are rising,..


Think you’re ready to list your home? Five things to think about first.

Think you’re ready to list your home? Five things to think about first.

To give your home the best chance of achieving a great final selling price in the shortest amount of time,..


Seeing Double - Do property prices really double every decade?

Seeing Double - Do property prices really double every decade?

It may seem crazy, but the prospect of property prices doubling every 10 years does occur, just not in a straight line.


Know your rights! Crash course in depreciation for renovations

Know your rights! Crash course in depreciation for renovations

You could be missing out on thousands of dollars if you don’t understand your entitlements when it comes to claiming for renovations to your investment properties.


A Fresh Approach to the Property Cycle

A Fresh Approach to the Property Cycle

You don’t need a crystal ball to predict what’s ahead for our property markets, as they typically move in a rather predictable cycle.


Fed up and wanting to branch out on your own?

Fed up and wanting to branch out on your own?

We’re going to be honest here – branching out on your own probably won’t be the best step for your career


Property lemon alert! Top 10 warning signs

Property lemon alert! Top 10 warning signs

When you’re on the hunt for a property, there’s a few red flags to be mindful of to avoid ending up with a property lemon!


Deep pockets? Join the million-dollar club

Deep pockets? Join the million-dollar club

At the end of 2015, there was a 31 per cent increase in the number of suburbs with a median value in excess of $1 million, rising to 530 from 406 suburbs in 2014. 


A Positive Move? How Proposed Reforms to Negative Gearing will Impact First Homebuyers

A Positive Move? How Proposed Reforms to Negative Gearing will Impact First Homebuyers

Once considered somewhat of a protected species, negative gearing reform currently sits squarely in the sights of both sides of politics.


Collapse or Just a Correction? Why the Australian Property Market Won’t Crash

Collapse or Just a Correction? Why the Australian Property Market Won’t Crash

Boom times can’t last forever, but this also doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.


The Struggle is Real - Why it’s so hard for Gen Ys to get into Property Game

The Struggle is Real - Why it’s so hard for Gen Ys to get into Property Game

Whether it’s moving out of the family home or kick-starting a property investment career, here’s some of the obstacles that may leave Gen Y’s in the starting block.


Home Decorating – 7 Tips to Getting it Right

Home Decorating – 7 Tips to Getting it Right

The décor of your home is one of the first things a prospective buyer notices when selling your home. Follow these 7 tips to make sure your home’s first impression is a good one.


Renting vs Buying A Home: An Introductory Guide

Renting vs Buying A Home: An Introductory Guide

Where you choose to live is one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make in your adult life. Whether you choose to rent or buy, it is likely that a significant portion of your household income will go toward your rent or monthly mortgage.


Buying a New or Existing Home: The Complete Guide

Buying a New or Existing Home: The Complete Guide

House hunting can be a daunting task. You have to consider many factors, including cost, suburb, size and number of rooms and bathrooms. Before beginning your search, one question you should ask is: Should I purchase a new house or an old one? Each option offers benefits and drawbacks. Let us look at both.


Should You Rent or Sell Your Home? Homeowner’s Guide

Should You Rent or Sell Your Home? Homeowner’s Guide

Are you deciding between renting or selling your home? There many important factors you should consider when making this decision. This article will consider the pros and cons of selling and renting out your home.


Selling Your Home: With Or Without A Real Estate Agent

Selling Your Home: With Or Without A Real Estate Agent

If you are looking to sell your home, you are now deciding if you should choose a real estate agent or to go it on your own. Before you make any decisions that could end up costing you in the long run, you should consider whether flying solo is the right way to go.

Selling your home is a significant financial and emotional undertaking and it would be negligent to reach a verdict without properly considering all of the details below:


Real Estate Agent Fees and Commissions: A Complete Guide

Real Estate Agent Fees and Commissions: A Complete Guide

If this is the first time you have sold a house, there are additional costs associated with selling a property

Today we will explain the fees and commissions associated with using a real estate agent. Topics include the role of a real estate agent, how much real estate agents charge, as well as tips and tricks for selling or buying a house with an agent. With a bit of education you will be able to understand exactly what you are paying for.


How to Become A Real Estate Agent: The Ultimate Guide

How to Become A Real Estate Agent: The Ultimate Guide

Real estate professionals come from many different walks of life. Many people today choose to take courses to allow them to pursue a career in real estate. Some choose this fulfilling career at a young age, while others discover it as a second career.

Not only is real estate rewarding, it can enable you to make a decent living. Real estate agents generally help people buy or sell a home.


Why would you open your own real estate office?

Why would you open your own real estate office?

We’re going to be honest here – branching out on your own probably won’t be the best step for your career


Moving House Checklist: The Ultimate Moving Cheat Sheet

Moving House Checklist: The Ultimate Moving Cheat Sheet

Moving house is one of the most stressful experiences individuals can go through,” according to psychotherapist and family counsellor Tahila Mandie [source]. Anyone who has moved house knows this slice of wisdom borders on the obvious.

However, it does not have to be so stressful that you want to pull your hair out. The best way to insulate yourself against the unnecessary hassle of moving to a new home is to be prepared.

Below are the best moving house tips for keep stress at bay, which is broken into before, during, and after the home move.


How To Choose The Best Real Estate Agent

How To Choose The Best Real Estate Agent

Choosing the best real estate agent that will sell your most important asset, your family home, can be a tough task. This article will help you find that right real estate agent to sell your home.

Real estate agents have a wide array of experience and practical knowledge that makes them skilled at acting as an intermediary between buyers and sellers.


Beckenham Market Update - October Edition

Sean Totten brings you the latest update on the Beckenham area for October 2015.


Roleystone Market Update - October Edition

Rachael Hewson brings you the latest update on the Roleystone area for October 2015.


Are you struggling to save?

Are you struggling to save?

With the banks cutting down on lending and becoming more and more stricter, saving for your 20% deposit is getting harder. A lot of people live week to week with rising living cost and saving is just completely out of sight for them. How can you save even a few dollars a week?


REIWA - Providing a valuable service to the industry & community

REIWA - Providing a valuable service to the industry & community

Naked Edge Real Estate agents are often asked about the role REIWA plays.


Pitfalls of Overpricing a Property

Pitfalls of Overpricing a Property

Ask any agent why a house doesn’t sell and they will tell you it usually comes down to price. Almost any property, anywhere will sell if the price is right. A good agent knows how to balance that fine line between achieving the best price possible and having the property languish on the market because it’s overpriced.  


Sash Conveyancing in Roleystone

Sash Conveyancing in Roleystone

Living in Roleystone or the surrounds I have the perfect settlement agent for you, Helenie from Sash Conveyancing is amazing!


Roleystone Market Update - September Edition

Welcome to the latest market update for Roleystone.


Beckenham Market Update - September Edition

Welcome to the September edition of the Beckenham market update.


Roleystone Sports

Roleystone Sports

Even after living in Roleystone for 23 years and growing up here, I am still surprised by the new things I learn about our amazing community. As an adult or as a kid in Roleystone you have so many sporting options to get yourself involved with our community.


Buying New Vs Established

Buying New Vs Established

It’s the big question of real estate – do you buy an established home or build a new one? You’ll have to weigh up the pros and cons for yourself before you make the big decision. Here are a few pros and cons for consideration to get you started.


Beckenham Market Update - August Edition

Beckenham Market Update August 2015


Roleystone Market Update - August Edition

Rachael Hewson brings you the latest on the Roleystone market. Rachael has called Roleystone home for a long time and knows exactly what’s happening in the area.


Selling Your Home? Look Out For These Common Mistakes

Selling Your Home? Look Out For These Common Mistakes

There are a few mistakes that property sellers make that contribute to their house taking longer to sell and often for a reduced price. But if you’re organised and willing to spend some time before your first home open, you can reap the rewards of a fast, stress-free sale.


Roleystone Club AKA Roleystone Country Club

Roleystone Club AKA Roleystone Country Club

Wow what a place!! Having not been in before I thought to myself why not? There is this great place so close to your home, why have you never been? 


Trusting A Real Estate Agent

Trusting A Real Estate Agent

It’s true the real estate industry doesn’t have the best perception. There’s even research to back it up. But is the perception fair?


5 Do’s of Selling Your Home

5 Do’s of Selling Your Home

There are many ways to sell and present your home, and everyone wants to maximise the amount of money that you walk away with on settlement day. These 5 tips will ensure you go a long way to achieving that RECORD price.


Reasons Why Your Home Isn't Selling

Reasons Why Your Home Isn't Selling

Has your home been on the market longer than 4 months?? Is the For Sale sign out the front just a reminder every morning and every night that you still haven’t stepped to the next stage in your life of new memories and a new chapter.


5 Real Estate Don'ts When Selling Your Home

5 Real Estate Don'ts When Selling Your Home

Here are 5 Don’ts that will put you on the right path to getting that dream price.


What to Consider when Buying an Investment Property

What to Consider when Buying an Investment Property

Buying a property to live in and buying purely as an investment are two very different things. But what should an investor be looking for that an owner occupier might not have to give the same level of consideration?


5 Things to Do Before a Home Open

With these 5 simple and easy, low-cost tips, your house will have an amazing home open feel and atmosphere for any buyer.


Local is Better - The Benefits of Using A Local Agent

Local is Better - The Benefits of Using A Local Agent

There is so much to consider when choosing a real estate agent to sell your property. There are many agents to choose from and it can be confusing when you try to compare.


Stop, Look and Listen

Stop, Look and Listen

As you travel around Roleystone what do you see? Do you truly stop and look or do you just drive past all that Roleystone has to offer?


First Impressions Count! The Importance of Street Appeal

First Impressions Count! The Importance of Street Appeal

Thinking of selling but dread the thought of fixing up the front of your property? A well-presented frontage is important for ensuring prospective buyers stop and come inside at home open.


Nine Reasons to Gain Loan Pre-Approval

Nine Reasons to Gain Loan Pre-Approval

Sure house hunting is far more enjoying than searching for the right home loan but many buyers regret not organising a pre-approval. Here are nine reasons why you should spend some time during the week getting a pre-approval.


We Cover Nothing Up - Except the homeless!

We Cover Nothing Up - Except the homeless!

Through the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia’s Community REInvest Program, local agencies are joining forces in June and July by calling for donations of sleeping bags for The Salvation Army, and ultimately, those in need.


Don't Miss Out! The Time is Right to Upsize

Don't Miss Out! The Time is Right to Upsize

Perth’s current property market is favouring those looking to upsize. The reasons for upsizing are many and varied…


Moving In The Rain Is Never Fun - Get Your Property Sold Before Winter

Moving In The Rain Is Never Fun - Get Your Property Sold Before Winter

For many, Autumn is their favourite time of year, with the changes in the trees and the cooling down in temperature after a steamy summer. Here are a few tips on preparing your home for sale in Autumn.


Autumn Market Update

Autumn Market Update

At the time of writing there were 13,499 properties on the market in the Perth metro area, a net increase of 498 properties over the last 4 weeks. In comparison, this time last year there were ...


Staging Your Home For Sale – Delighting The Five Senses

Before a buyer views your property for sale it is important to keep the five senses in mind – they are incredibly powerful. When a buyer walks  into your home, you want them to be moved emotionally to the point where they decide  “this is home at first sight!”  To be successful at it, try appealing to all five of the buyer’s senses.


Choosing the right agent to sell your home

Choosing the right agent to sell your home

Whether you are selling your family home or an investment property, finding and choosing an agent is a big decision. To ensure that you appoint the best agent to sell your property it is important to do your research before making a final decision. 


Lock up before you hop off this Easter long weekend!

Lock up before you hop off this Easter long weekend!

If you’re lucky enough to be heading away this Easter long weekend, have a great time! 


Featured properties

A hand picked selection of the most interesting and desirable properties

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